Quinceañera Music
Congratulations! This is a very exciting time in your life! If you need anything, please contact the parish office at 218-346-4240. In the meantime, here are a few notes about this page.
God Bless,
St. Henry's Church
Below is the approved list of Quinceañera music for St. Henry.
This list is not exhaustive. If you have a song/setting you would like to do that is not on this list, we can approve or deny its use in a timely manner if you send us the title and composer of the piece.
You can click on any of the underlined titles to open a YouTube video of that song.
Keep in mind that our musicians may not be able to replicate the content of these videos.
Also keep in mind that these videos are for purely informational purposes.
The Preparation of Gifts songs can also be used for Communion.
If the song has a number next to it, it can and probably should be sung with the congregation.
The numbers are for Journeysongs Third Edition.
Ave Maria (Wiegand)
Gathering Song
All Creatures of Our God and King #578
All People That on Earth Do Dwell #570
As We Gather At Your Table #760
Come, Christians, Join to Sing #571
For the Beauty of the Earth #609
Glory and Praise to Our God #574
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name #566
Llevemos Al Señor El Vino Y El Pan
Praise My Soul the King of Heaven #586
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens #584
Responsorial Psalm
The Responsorial Psalm should be taken from the readings for the day.
You can find it by clicking here.
Gospel Acclamation
The Gospel Acclamation should be taken from the readings for the day.
You can find it by clicking here.
*Possibilities for musical settings include:
**Note that these videos do not have
the correct verse.
Song to Mary
Mary, Woman of the Promise #477
O Sanctissima/O Most Holy One #484
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother #479
Santa MarÃa del Amén
Preparation of Gifts
Lord, You Have Come/Pescador De Hombres #729
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother #479
Quiero Estar, Señor, en Tu Presencia
Amén. El Cuerpo De Cristo #783
In the Breaking of the Bread/Cuando Partimos el Pan del Senor #779
Tu Eres, Señor, El Pan De Vida
Yo Soy el Pan Vivo
Closing Song
All the Ends of the Earth #573
Glory and Praise to our God #574
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light #632
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You #575
Let All Things Now Living #608
O Bless the Lord, My Soul #576
O God Beyond All Praising #589
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens #584
Sent Forth By God's Blessing #740
Mass Settings
Mass of Christ the Savior (Schutte) #186
Mass of Glory (Canedo/Hurd) #244
Mass of Renewal (Stephan) #176
Mass of Spirit and Grace (Manalo) #196
Mass of the Resurrection (DeBruyn) #216