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News & Announcements

Religious Education Registration Open!

Registration is now open for St. Henry’s Religious Education Program! Please watch for registration forms in the mail, or you can locate them in the back of the church. We are also looking for Catechists! Embrace an opportunity to be a beacon of light and guidance for young Catholics. Step up as a volunteer catechist and experience the joy of helping children and their families grow in their faith. Your commitment of a few hours a week can make a lasting difference in our Church today and in the future. Email Michelle at or call 218-346-4240. For an online registration form, use this link:



Help Needed

​St. Henry’s Religious Education is looking for more help in the classroom for all ages!  Please contact Michelle Sazama at to inquire on how you can help!  This can be Men, Women or Couples that want to help enrich the faith of others.  Please consider donating a couple hours a week to help our growing program.​



We are looking for people to commit to spending a scheduled hour a week with Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament at Adoration at St. Henry. The hours we could really use a second guardian are:


Wednesday 6-7am

Wednesday 12-1pm

Thursday 4-5pm.


Please prayerfully consider giving Jesus an hour of your week in Adoration. If you would be interested

in taking a time slot, please call the parish office at 218-346-4240.



Help With Donuts?

Would you be willing to help serve donuts the 2nd Sunday of the month at least once a year? If your family is interested in volunteering to serve after the 10am Mass, please call Katie at 218-457-2917. This would be at your availability.



Labor Day - Offices Closed

All Northern Cross ACC parish offices will be closed for Labor Day this Monday, September 2nd, and there will be no adoration at St. Henry.



Save the Date! 

Friends of St. Henry's Area School Gala of Giving will be held at Lakeside Event Center on Oct 12th at 5:30pm. Please join us for dinner, games, raffles, silent and a live auction!  We invite alumni, parents, grandparents, and anyone who would like to support St. Henry's Area School! Tickets will be available for purchase in late August. This year we are CELEBRATING the 50's and 60's! If you attended St. Henry's School during those years or know someone who did, we hope you'll join us and please extend an invitation to others for this fun night out! - The Gala Committee


St. Henry's Area School


Congratulations to our Calendar Raffle winners this week-8-28-24-Harry Schossow-$50 and 8-30-24-Lynda and Barry Stewart-$100

We are excited to welcome back everyone to our preschool and school.  May this year be full of growth both spiritually and academically.  Thank you for your support and prayers.


Mr. Jason Smith, Principal

218-346-6190 or

Widows Walk

A “Widows Walk” is an informal group of Catholic women who  meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:00PM in the conference room at St. Henry’s Catholic Church. For more information and to RSVP, please contact: Judy Christopherson at 218-298-0797.


Text App to 55321

to download our parish app!

Search for

“Northern Cross Area Catholic Community”

Prayer Intentions

In the Narthex, by the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue, is a prayer intention box.  Each month, as a Healing Heart Ministry group, we will pray for your intentions that are placed in the box.

Weekly Bulletin Email List

If you would like to have the bulletin emailed to you each week, please let us know by giving us a call at 218-346-4240 or by email at

What is

If you haven’t checked it out yet, now is the perfect time! is a subscription-based website that our parish gifts to our parishioners. It contains a wealth of Catholic resources including MOVIES about saints, our faith and more, downloadable E-BOOKS, video-based study PROGRAMS to grow in your faith alone or with family or friends, AUDIOS to listen to, as well as KIDS programming! It is available on the web, via app on your mobile device and through Roku, AppleTV and more. Because it is subscription-based, you will need to sign up for an account to access it. Once you create an account, you simply log in to access the content. Go to and click on ‘Sign Up’ and then ‘Sign up as a parishioner’. Enter ‘Perham’ in the search box and click on Northern Cross Area Catholic Community. You will need a valid email address you have access to in order to sign up and to sign in. This is a great gift to help you learn more and grow in your faith, please take advantage!

Attention Piano/Guitar Players!

We need your help to help fill in some spots for the three Masses at our church. We would love to have you share your talents with
piano, organ and guitar. A stipend of $50 is given to accompanists.  Contact Ann or Gina.

A Message From a 100.3 FM Listener

A listener to our local Catholic radio station recently described the station as a “lifeline” and the radio programming as providing “so much good information about our faith from good sources.  It gives me strength and hope, and it does the same for so many others who I listen to when they call in to the programs that take live callers.” If you haven’t yet discovered 100.3 FM, tune in to the programming which runs 24/7. If you are already a listener, encourage your friends and family to share in this resource for personal faith enrichment and tool for evangelization.

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