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General Interest


Formed: is a subscription resource available to all members of our parish and the local community. It contains a variety of content, including video studies, documentaries, movies, audio talks, and e-books for adults and youth. Because it is web-based, it is accessible to anyone with an internet connection at home or wherever wi-fi is available. There is also an app for mobile devices. To register for your FREE account, please visit and click on the blue ‘REGISTER NOW’ button. Fill out the form with your information and create a username and password for yourself. Once complete, you will be able to access the content using your login information. This resource can be a useful tool for learning about the faith, growing in the faith, evangelizing and for entertainment and educational purposes!



Holy Family Council/Catholic United Financial:

Holy Family Council has been serving the parish of St. Henry’s for 124+ years.  Our focus is supporting Catholic Education, the future of the Church, and our Seminarians. Together, with our Foundation, we help others with disaster relief.  Not because they are Catholic, but because we are Catholic. For more information contact Lisa Smith at 218-346-5790.



Assist with the upkeep of the library, promote the library to the parish community, and/or review books for the bulletin.


Living Memorials:

If you would like to meet with Fr. George regarding a living memorial gift or other type of bequest, please contact him through the Parish Office. 


Parish Council & Finance Council: 

The Parish Council advises the pastor in the operation of the parish. Meetings are held monthly, except during the summer. The Finance Council assists with the budgeting of parish funds and advises the Parish Council of the financial situation of the parish. Meetings are held quarterly. Election for the Parish Council is held each spring.  Any interested candidates should contact the Parish Office.  Finance Council members are appointed by the pastor.


Office Assistance: 

Volunteers are needed to help with mailings, stuffing bulletins, and other miscellaneous tasks.


Stanislaus Communications: 

Stanislaus Communications is the apostolate that operates KXPM-LP 100.3 FM, serving the Perham area.  The name for this 501c3 not for profit organization was selected to honor the memory of the other Catholic parish that served Perham for generations.  The 5 seats on the board of directors are elected annually in October and there are a number of volunteers whose behind-the-scenes contributions are greatly appreciated. Those interested in contributing to this mission should contact


Telephone/Email Prayer Chain: 

To add a name to our prayer chain or if you would like to be added as a pray-er, contact Ardith Altstadt at 218-346-5345 or or call Sigrid Winjum at 218-346-7342.


234 2nd Ave SW

Perham, MN 56573

Phone: 218-346-4240

Fax: 218-346-4235

Email Parish


Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm


Bulletin Deadline

Noon on Tuesdays





Tune in to KXPM-LP at 100.3 FM to listen!


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