Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study:
Bible studies will be offered occasionally throughout the year. If you are interested in facilitating or being a part of one, please contact the Parish Office. Materials will be provided. (see below for a list of the materials that the Church of St. Henry's owns.)
Sponsor Couple for Marriage Prep:
You have the opportunity to grow deeper in your faith as you mentor and work with an egaged couple as they prepare for marriage. Required training is provided. Please call parish office if you are interested in becoming a sponsor couple.
Are you interested in learning more about Christ and His Church? "Come and See" ...and they said to Him, "Teacher, where are you staying? He said to them, "Come and see." They came and saw... (John 1:38-39)
When: Tuesdays from 6PM-7:30PM
Where: Sacred Heart Church, Dent
RCIA begins Tuesday, November 21st! Contact Father Tom at fathertom@ncacc.net to sign up!
We're pleased to announce the availability of FORMED, an online service for accessing thousands of Catholic videos, audios and e-books On Demand anytime, anywhere! As a member, you have access to entertaining movies, inspiring audio talks, informative bible studies, and much more. We are providing this resource free of charge to help our members learn and grow in their faith. Once you have signed up, don’t forget to download the free iOS or Android app to put FORMED at your fingertips.
We hope you will enjoy this incredible gift and please spread the word to others. Please join us.
To sign up for FREE, just visit us HERE: https://sthenrysperham.formed.org.
Faith on the Go:
There are a number of free apps that you can download on your phone or electronic device to keep the Catholic Faith at your fingertips. A few suggestions are:
Catholic Study Bible App
Scripture in the Palm of Your Hand! The entire Catholic Bible (RSV-2CE) can be downloaded for free! 10 hours of free audio commentary by Dr. Scott Hahn and much more! Download now by searching Catholic Study Bible in the App Store.
​The Liturgy of the hours, the missal, daily readings, prayers and rites of the Catholic Church. Download now by searching Catholic Study Bible in the App Store. Download now by searching iBreviary in the App Store.
Daily readings, prayers, rosary, chaplets, stations of the cross, prayers, examination of conscience, Catholic media, vatican documents and much more. Download now by searching Laudate in the App Store.
Mass Times for Traveling:
Are you traveling and need to find a Sunday Mass time? Download the Mass Times app or visit masstimes.org to find a Mass closest to you. *Be sure to check the parish website, that is listed for the church you find to ensure Mass times haven't changed. Download now by searching Catholic Mass Times in the App Store.

Book Study DVDs Available:
Please stop by the Parish Office, if you would like to check one out.

Bible Timeline
24 Sessions
Jeff Cavins

24 Sessions
Jeff Cavins

Acts of the Apostles
20 Sessions
Jeff Cavins
10 Sessions
Jeff Cavins
& Sarah Christmyer

5 Sessions
Jeff Cavins
& Sarah Christmyer

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
Jeff Cavins
& Sarah Christmyer

T3 - Teen Timeline
8 Sessions
Mark Hart

T3 - Acts Keys & the Sword
4 Sessions
Mark Hart

Biblical Walk through the Mass
4 Sessions
Dr. Edward Sri

1 Episode
(77 Minutes)
Robert Barron

Jeff Cavins

Catching Fire Becoming Flame
1 Episode
(3 Hours)
Fr. Albert Haase

Eucharist: Journey of Transformation, Healing & Discipleship
1 Episode
(60 minutes)
Dr Mary Amore

Oremus Guide to Catholic Prayer
8 Sessions
Fr. Mark Toups

EPIC (History of Church)
20 Sessions

10 Episodes
Bishop Robert

New Evangelization
4 Sessions
Bishop Robert

10 Episodes
Augustine Institute

Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart
Jeff Cavins

Daring to Walk the Walk

The Wild Goose (Encountering the Holy Spirit)
Fr. Dave Pivoka
(on Formed.org)

(Understanding the Mass)
Ascension Press
**If you might be interested in leading a small group for any of these sessions, please contact the Parish Office.