Catholic Daughters of America
Court St. Rita #409 - Perham, MN
Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the largest organization of Catholic women in the Americas. It is comprised of Catholic women 18 years of age and older. Under the Patroness of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is an extraordinary organization with the dual purpose of spirituality and service. Our local CDA Court, Court St. Rita # 409, is the 3rd oldest Court in the state of Minnesota. They celebrated their 100th Anniversary in September of 2019. They meet the 1st Tuesday of the month (Sept – June) at 7:00 pm. For more information, contact Regent Leanne Stoll at dstoll34@gmail.com.
Motto: Unity and Charity
Patroness: Blessed Virgin Mary
Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives
to embrace the principle of faith working
through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
Regent: Leanne Stoll Email Leanne
Vice Regent: Lynn Schwanke
Treasurer: Rosie Altstadt
Financial Secretary: Pat Hager
Recording Secretary: Jackie Hager
Chaplain: Father Omar Guanchez
Membership Chairperson: Contact Regent Leanne Stoll Email Leanne
Newsletter Editor: Janel Altstadt
District Deputy: Mary Buschette

Junior Catholic Daughters of America
The local Catholic Daughters of America, Court St. Rita #409, sponsors a Junior Catholic Daughters Court, Court St. Teresa of Calcutta, which includes St. Henry’s and the three surrounding parishes. JCDA is a unique organization that is open to Catholic girls, ages 6-18.
JCDA brings girls together for friendship, faith and action to make a positive difference in the community. The goals of JCDA are Message (Faith), Service (Helping Others), and Community (Friendship). To express interest in joining or helping, contact Rachel Poser at daisey28@hotmail.com.
National CDA Projects: The Laboure Society, Habitat for Humanity, Holy Cross Family Ministries, National Center on Sexual Exploitation, S.O.A.R (Support our Aging Religious)
10 Charities endorsed by National CDA: Apostleship of the Sea, Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Catholic Extension, Catholic Relief Services, Disaster Relief Fund, Human Life International, Missionaries of Charity, North American College-Rome, Tutwiler Clinic, to be determined.


Divine Mercy Sunday
April 7, 2024
Over 150 worshippers gathered to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday on April 7, at St Henry's Church in Perham, MN. The gathering was hosted by Court St Rita #409 of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas based at St Henry's. The afternoon of prayer and reflection began at 1:00pm with the Exposition of the Consecrated Body of Christ, followed immediately by the reciting of the Stations of the Cross by Deacon Randy Altstadt processing around the church to each station. There was quiet Adoration until 2:00pm when a Scriptural Rosary was led by CDA member Cathy Doll, followed by more quiet Adoration.
At 3:00pm The Holy Hour of Divine Mercy began. The program began with scripture and meditation readings by CDA members Dianne Rohde-Szarke and Lynn Schwanke. The reciting of The Praises of Divine Mercy, Litany of the Precious Blood and The Divine Praises were done by Deacon Randy Altstadt. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy was sung by Heidi Kalina, accompanied by CDA member Gina Cavanagh on piano.
The service ended with Prayers of Thanksgiving and the Reposition of the Consecrated Body of Christ. During these 3 hours of prayer and adoration, confessions were being heard by Fr. George Michael and Fr. Tom Skaja.
The Catholic Daughters of Court St Rita would like to extend a Heartfelt Thank You to all who participated and helped us put together this beautiful day of prayer.
Divine Mercy planning committee: Cathy Doll, Lynn Schwanke and Mary Kerekes
Spiritual Presider: Deacon Randy Altstadt
Altar Servers: Ava, Levi and Mckenna Marsh
Readers: Dianne Rhode-Szarke and Lynn Schwanke
Scriptural Rosary: Cathy Doll
Pianist: Gina Cavanagh
Vocalist: Heidi Kalina

Education Contest 2024
Court St. Rita #409 sponsored the Catholic Daughters National Education Contest again this year. Local 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners were presented with their awards Tuesday, March 5, 2024. The first place winning entries were sent for State judging and those placing first will be sent to National. Congratulations to all of the winners!
Division 1 Poetry
1st place- Maria Bell, 2nd place- Madalyn Burkman
Division 2 Poetry
1st place- Monica Bell, 2nd place- Juliette LaFond, 3rd place- Alexis Poser
Division 2 Essay
1st place- Harper Schmitz
Computer Art Division 1
1st place- Jack Stoderl, 2nd place- Cade Trout, 3rd place- Logan Riepe
Computer Art Division 2
1st place- Levi Murdock
Division 1 Art
1st place- Ava Winjum, 2nd place- Natalie Larson, 3rd place- Lainey Winjum
Division 2 Art
1st place- Rhagen Sazama, 2nd place- William Lustila, 3rd place- Halle Reuter
Division 2 Photography
1st place- Kash VanWatermulen
Division 3 Photography
1st place- Miranda Poser
Thank you to all who participated! Just a couple notes about the judging process. Catholic Daughters members cannot be judges. Perham community members who have expertise in the different categories have judged the entries.

Pictured with students are Court St. Rita members Lisa Hemmelgarn, Education chair and Leanne Stoll Regent and Education co- chair.
Education Contest 2024
Slideshow of Winning Submissions (click arrow to view all)
Respect Life Mass
January 18th, 2024

Josh and Katrina Nordick family represented Life from Conception and Bob Leitner (Lisa Hemmelgarn’s dad) represented Life in the mature stage and presented Roses to the altar with the offertory gifts. Father George gave a beautiful homily with the message that Life is a Gift! Protect Life prayer cards were available to the congregation.

50-Year Member Sigrid Winjum from
Court St. Rita #409 Perham, MN
At our monthly meeting December 6, 2023, we honored member Sigrid Winjum for 50 years of membership in Catholic Daughters Court St. Rita #409, Perham MN. Regent Leanne Stoll presented Sigrid with flowers and a 50 year pin. Regent Leanne delivered her certificate that arrived in the mail the following day! Sigrid spoke to the members about how much being part of the Catholic Daughters has meant to her and even admitted she didn't expect to get emotional. She encouraged members to continue to be active. Sigrid is still active in Court St. Rita #409 as she is part of the Sunshine & Sympathy committee and enjoys sending cards to members when needed.


Catholic Daughters
2023 Advent Potluck
Food was shared and Gina Cavanagh and Lisa Hemmelgarn organized a fun game for the evening.

"For the Birds"
54th Style Show
October 28th, 2023

Court St. Rita #409 held their 54th Style Show fundraiser October 28, 2023. Funds raised at the event help them support many local charities. Styles for the show came from Perham businesses. The catered brunch, show, silent auction, dollar chance bags and wonderful door prizes make the morning a fun and relaxing event for guests to enjoy! Over 150 guests were in attendance.
Many hours and dedication from our members go into this event. The Junior Catholic Daughters also helped make the day a success! Plans are underway for a Fall Season themed show in October of 2024.

Patriotic Rosary prayed on 9-11-2023
by Court St. Rita #409
Court St. Rita #409, Perham MN together with the Knights of Columbus prayed the Patriotic Rosary on 9-11-2023 at 8:45am. The St. Henry's Area Catholic School children attended. All parishioners were invited to pray together for our Nation. Court St. Rita #409 processed in with the Knights to post the flag. CDA member Gina Cavanaugh played the piano for the Patriotic songs. Knight Robert Wagenman led the rosary.
Pictured L to R:
Front: Grand Knight Jeff Fritz, Regent Leanne Stoll, Past Regent Dianne Rohde-Szarke, CDA member Florence Hammers, Knight Robert Wagenman.
Back: Knight Ken Guck, CDA members Mary Mercer, Pat Hager, Gina Cavanagh, Jackie Hager.
2023 Baccalaureate Mass

To celebrate our NCACC graduates, the Catholic Daughters members sponsored the
Baccalaureate Mass on Saturday, May 20th, 2023. Refreshments were served in the Narthex.

May Crowning 2023

Catholic Daughters members organized children before Mass for May Crowning on May 6th, 2023, and provided roses and carnations for them to present to crown the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Court St. Rita
State Awards 2023