Electronic Stewardship
There are three easy ways to contribute to St. Henry Catholic Church!
See the options below and give one a try!
#1 Text Giving

#2 Online Giving
Online giving is easy and simple. Just follow the instructions as prompted. Click the red button to give online! You will be directed to the online giving site.
Psst...there's an app for that!
Simply look up "ConnectNow Giving" in either the App Store or Google Play. You can find us by either entering our zip code, 56573, or Roman Catholic Church of St Henry. From the app, you can manage your account settings and edit your payment methods. You will not need to sign up again for the app; just enter the User ID and password you set up for the online giving. It's as easy as that!
#3 Automatic Withdrawals
You can automatically transfer your contributions from your savings or checking account. We now perform the transfers in-house.
Download Electronic Transfer Form
Put completed form in the collection basket, along with a blank check or a deposit slip, in an envelope labeled "Electronic Contribution Enrollment" or mail it to us at:
Church of Saint Henry
234 – 2nd Ave SW
Perham, MN 56573
If you have any questions regarding Electronic Stewardship, please call the Parish Office at (218) 346-4240 and speak to Ann Koll.