Assisting with Mass:
Want to become more involved with the Mass? Please consider helping with the following positions:
Sacristan – help set up for Mass. Training provided.
Lector – read the scriptures at Mass. Training and Lector Workbook provided.
Usher – help people find seats and take up the collection.
Altar Server – assist Priests at the altar. Training provided.
Rosary Leader – lead the rosary 30 minutes before Mass (20 minutes before weekday Mass).
Music Ministry – be an accompanist, cantor, singer or instrumentalist.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister – help distribute Holy Communion during Mass. Training provided.
Gift Bearer – carry the gifts of bread and wine to the front during Mass
Money Counter – help count the collection money following the weekend Masses
*Mass at Perham Living:
Assist at the 10:00 am Mass on Friday mornings by taking attendance, helping people find a place to sit, handing out worship aids, collecting the offering and escorting the priests as they distribute Holy Communion. We are also in need of volunteers to help with singing, playing piano and/or lectoring during this Mass.
*Eucharistic Adoration:
As an “Adoration Guardian,” you can sign up for any hour with Jesus. We are trying to find 2 people per hour. We ask that you come a few minutes before your hour starts, and stay with Jesus the entirety of the hour. Please prayerfully consider giving Jesus an hour of your week in Adoration. If you are interested, please call Debbie at 218-298-4461.
*Votive & Holy Water Care:
Volunteers are needed to check and refill holy water fonts and votive candles throughout the church.
* = Ministries that are NOT scheduled with Ministry Scheduler Pro
Questions? Please contact music@st-henrys.org