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Catholic Burial Tradition Videos

These videos that are sponsored by many Bishops and Clergy in the United States are meant to help us understand and appreciate Catholic Funerals and Burials. 

Why a Catholic Funeral Part Two

This is a short video that uses the testimony of loved ones to focus on the beauty and the healing powers of a funeral. It shows that the funeral is not only an opportunity for loved ones to express sorrow and love for the deceased, but also to express their faith in God, and to create a lasting memory of the deceased. It re-emphasizes that through our Catholic faith there is hope for a life after death.

Three Sacred Moments

This video is a clear description of the three-part journey of Christian burial. It explains the importance of the Vigil, the Funeral Mass, and the Rite of Committal. The Vigil allows time for the living to tell stories about the deceased – essentially focusing on their life. The Funeral Mass focuses on the hope for the future – that our faith teaches that death has no victory – we have hope for eternal life. The Rite of Committal is the final goodbye for the loved ones and is a reminder of the importance of the reverent care of the deceased that our faith requires.

1. Pondering Death

How do humans, and specifically Catholics, think about death? What lies behind a fear of death? Should you bring children to funerals? Interviews with priests, monks, and laity offer food for thought.

2. Do You Fear Death

This is a short video that uses the testimony of loved ones to focus on the beauty and the healing powers of a funeral. It shows that the funeral is not only an opportunity for loved ones to express sorrow and love for the deceased, but also to express their faith in God, and to create a lasting memory of the deceased. It re-emphasizes that through our Catholic faith there is hope for a life after death.

3. Own Mortality

This video focuses on our own mortality – we will all die. We hear from people who came near death and how they came to better understand that we are not in control – God is. If we have faith in the Paschal Mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection, if we have faith that there is a heaven, then death is not something to be feared.

4. Resurrection

This video explores the importance of Jesus’ resurrection on our attitudes and understanding of our own death. Without the resurrection of Jesus, our faith makes no sense. The promise of eternal life for our bodies and souls is essential to our beliefs. The fear of death can be eliminated because of the resurrection. Death can still be terrible but we trust that it has been overcome by Jesus’ death and resurrection – it is our passage to eternal life.

5. What Will Heaven Be Like

Several people pondering the reality of Heaven help us to envision what we have to look forward to after our death. The ultimate relationship with Jesus is what we are striving for – we can look forward to knowing God intimately and fully. Heaven is a wonderful gift from God that gives us our hope for eternal happiness.

Los Sagrados Momentos

Este video es una descripción clara del viaje de tres partes del entierro cristiano. Explica la importancia de la Vigilia, la Misa Funeraria y el Rito de Compromiso. La Vigilia permite tiempo para que los vivos cuenten historias sobre los difuntos, centrándose esencialmente en su vida. La Misa Funeraria se centra en la esperanza para el futuro – que nuestra fe enseña que la muerte no tiene victoria – tenemos esperanza para la vida eterna. El Rito del Compromiso es el último adiós para los seres queridos y es un recordatorio de la importancia del cuidado reverente del difunto que nuestra fe requiere.

Many Travelers, One Journey!

Many lay witnesses describe their positive experiences of the journey of Christian burial. The journey is clearly described from the Wake, to the Funeral Mass, to the Rite of Committal, showing the unique importance of each of the three parts of the journey.

6. Culture of Death

Various parts of our culture have created a numbness to death. If we do not have hope in God, then this numbness creeps into our lives. When we lose the sense of God, we lose the importance of life and turn toward the culture of death. We, as Christians have a moral obligation to be witnesses to a culture of life.

Death and Burial Talk (Long)

Dr. Scott Hahn offers a longer theological and practical reflection on death in his inimitable style. This video is ideal for watching with your Bible study or prayer group ahead of a discussion of how Christians approach death.

7. Helping Someone Who Is Suicidal

A counselor shares that a suicidal person is usually trying to get away from pain. We should first try to stop them from going through with it. Then try to be with them and what they are going through, comfort them, give them some hope, give them a sense of their own worth. If we can show that we genuinely care for them it can draw them back from their despair.

Death and Burial Talk (Short)

Dr. Scott Hahn offers a short theological and practical reflection on death in his inimitable style. Perfect for setting the tone for parish funeral and cemetery planning nights.

Rituals with Meaning

Rituals are key to comforting Christians in times of grief. Practical aspects of the Vigil, Funeral Mass, and Committal are explained from the perspective of how the rituals heal, with several moving testimonials.

The Hike: A Cremation Journey

Short video of friends on a hike who have a casual discussion on the availability of cremation and what the church teaches. The video shows the beauty of the mausoleum and comments from the friends explain what to do with the ashes and how to remember, visit, and pray for the dead.

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